Borne out of genuine consideration for brand projection and visibility,BLUESKY MEDIA PROMOTIONS; isa 360 degree Media Agency with a global approach to business that specializes in bridging the gap and connecting the dots between our clients and their target audience; we ensure brand connectivity with their specified audience in the most effective way possible by generating tailor-made solutions to sustain their growth in the competitive market place

At BLUESKY MEDIA PROMOTIONS we drive value in our business relations and service delivery. Our utmost goal and desire are drawn from a pool of satisfied clients as we pride ourselves more on achieving satisfied customers than calculating profit margins. Our area of operation is categorized into two branches; production and promotion, both being strong marketing tools for every business that strives to maintain the lead or achieve such in the market it operates.


To engage all relevant marketing communication vehicles and mix using up-to-date technology and man-power in delivering value to clients

To be recognized as leading in the delivery of cutting-edge brand projection to all our clients who seek to bridge their interface with consumers in the markets where they operate

Clientele growth
Client satisfaction
  • Build it right
  • Loyalty
  • Understanding your business appetite
  • Exceeding boundaries
  • Satisfaction Conscious
  • Keep our words
  • Your goal, our priority

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